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About Me

Corey Pas Real Estate investor

I’m Corey Paszkiewicz…

You may be wondering how I’ve been able to replace my 9-5 income and allow my wife and I to be home with our three children.

Well, I probably started out like many of you.  You know, the slow approach where you work 40 hours a week for 40 years to retire off of 40% of what you barely got by on.  Then go to school, get good grades and get a job approach.

I don’t blame you. That’s how many of us were taught.  And are still being taught, instead of chasing our dreams and living the life that we want.

I was no different.  I went to school.  Kinda. It was actually a 5-year electrical apprenticeship program.  We worked and went to school as part of the program. This is also when I bought my first rental property.

Part of the reason I did this, was I really wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do. I did however know that I wanted to make a lot of money.  Not just to make money.  But for the Freedom.  So I never had to worry about money.

You see, growing up I saw my parents struggle and barley get by.  I knew that I didn’t want this to be the case for me or for when I had a family. I wanted to set my self up for success from a young age.

I tried a lot of different things and business. At one time, I owned a restaurant, worked 84 hours a week as an electrician, and was training to compete in a body building show. (which I ended up earning my pro card as a natural body builder)

The downside of the starting a restaurant or a physical location/retail business is that it takes a lot of capital.  (I went into a lot of debt to do it. Approximately $120k) The other thing is, it sucks a lot of time.

One cold winter day, while I was working outside on a 135 foot lift on the side of a building freezing my tail off, I finally had enough.

I knew I needed to do something, but what. I was working mandatory over time as an electrician, had tons of debt, and was still running a restaurant. I needed something I could do on the side that didn’t really take up much time.

This is when I started my first side-hustle. I also started to dig deep into personal growth and development. Within 6 months I had my side hustle paying my mortgage and car payment. A year after that I had it up to a full time income.

I eventually closed the restaurant and just worked my side hustle and electrical job. The whole time paying off 90k of debt.

At this time the economy started to crash.  I knew I was going to get laid off soon. The good thing is, I had the side hustle to help as well as 2 rental properties.

Once laid off, I started fitness boot camps and eventually opened up a CrossFit gym.  Again, you think I’d learn my lesson about starting a physical business.  Lots of time, expenses, and headaches.  Don’t get me wrong, I mean some of the best people in the world. Many are still friends.

But it didn’t align with what my real goals were. Having more time freedom and never having to worry about money.

What clicked this time was, my side hustle I practically left alone for a whole year.  I was making more money with that than working from 5am -8pm at night running a gym.

This whole time, all I did with the side hustle income was save it and invest in more rental properties.


My personal growth continued and my mindset changed even more.  I hired more people to help out at the gym. This allowed me to put a little bit more time into my side hustle. Growing it to over six figures in a few months.  I kept doing this for another a few years.  The whole time picking up a rental property here and there.

I eventually sold the gym after 4 years of owning it.

I put all my efforts into things that will get me closer to my goals much faster.  Real estate and making money online.  With a big emphasis on making passive income or residual income.

Taking profits from our online businesses and side hustles, I was able to scale from 13 units to 37 units in one year.

My 16 Unit Apartment Building

The last 18 years as a real estate investor and entrepreneur has taught me the ins and outs of real estate, marketing, business, making money online and creating that passive income lifestyle. It’s helped me create multiple 6-figure businesses.

Now, I’m dedicating this blog to helping teach you many of those things I have learned along the way. Hope you get a lot of value from it.

Thank you for all the support.

God Bless


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